2017 Season Overview
Dark Side Racing 2017 Events and Coverage
37) | Dark Side Racing Testing at Castrol Raceway - Kelly in the cockpit https://www.facebook.com/kelly.fedorowich.9/videos/10155080578461139/ September 30 |
36) | Dark Side Racing Testing at Castrol Raceway - Kelly in the cockpit https://www.facebook.com/darkside.ca/videos/1396049987110106/ September 24 |
35) | Dark Side Racing Testing at Castrol Raceway - Kelly in the cockpit September 17 |
34) | David and Kelly attend W. Brett Wilson's Garden Party https://www.facebook.com/kelly.fedorowich.9/media_set?set=a.10155015360636139.1073741879.613876138&type=3 September 6 |
33) | Dark Side Racing featured in the Cochrane Now newspaper - Firing Up for Prostate Cancer Awareness https://www.cochranenow.com/local/firing-up-for-prostate-awareness#.WaiGoF0SXys.facebook August 31 |
32) | Dark Side Racing testing at Castrol Raceway - Kelly in the cockpit https://www.facebook.com/kelly.fedorowich.9/posts/10154983091366139 https://www.facebook.com/kelly.fedorowich.9/videos/10154985601426139/ August 26 & 27 |
31) | Dark Side Racing Fire Up display with Canadian Tire Okotoks at the Okotoks Show & Shine https://www.facebook.com/pg/darkside.ca/photos/?tab=album&album_id=1363344567047315 August 15 |
30) | Dark Side Racing at Hot August Night https://www.facebook.com/darkside.ca/videos/1359913234057115/ https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1365184246863347.1073741870.170515242996926&type=3 August 9 |
29) | Dark Side Racing promo video released for Hot August Night https://www.facebook.com/darkside.ca/videos/1352169538164818/ August 2 |
28) | Dark Side Racing at Castrol Raceway's Rocky Mountain Nationals/Hospitality Tent https://www.facebook.com/darkside.ca/videos/1338568776191561/ https://www.facebook.com/pg/darkside.ca/photos/?tab=album&album_id=133881826283327 July 14-16 |
27) | Dark Side Racing Testing at Castrol Raceway https://www.facebook.com/kelly.fedorowich.9/posts/10154845088146139 July 8 & 9 |
26) | Dark Side Racing Fire Up event at PROSTAID Calgary's Fun in the 50's Festival https://www.facebook.com/pg/pccncalgary/photos/?tab=album&album_id=1797393130287121 July 2 |
25) | Canada150in150 awards Kelly first place in the Travel, Tourism, and Mobility category https://www.facebook.com/kelly.fedorowich.9/videos/10154824760716139/ July 1 |
24) | Dark Side Racing Testing at Castrol Raceway https://www.facebook.com/fedorowich/videos/10209649192162498/ June 26 |
23) | Dark Side Racing Fire Up Event at the Do It for Dad's Fathers Day Walk & Run https://www.facebook.com/kelly.fedorowich.9/videos/10154775186161139/ https://www.facebook.com/pg/pccncalgary/photos/?tab=album&album_id=1797373253622442 June 18 |
22) | Dark Side Racing Fire Up event at Canadian Tire Marlborough https://www.facebook.com/pg/pccncalgary/photos/?tab=album&album_id=1775552275804540 June 17 |
21) | Dark Side Racing Testing at Castrol Raceway https://www.facebook.com/mandingusll/videos/1722773891085724/ May 27 & 28 |
20) | Dark Side Racing Fire Up display at the Field of Dreams Slow Pitch Charity Tournament Special Guests Stephanie and Bret "The Hitman" Hart https://www.facebook.com/kelly.fedorowich.9/media_set?set=a.10154712223236139.1073741875.613876138&type=3 May 26 |
19) | Kelly enters her Fastest Woman in Canada story into the #Canada150in150 competition http://canada150in150.ca/browse-stories/technology/travel-tourism-mobility/home-to-highway/73 May 22 |
18) | Kelly attends W. Brett Wilson's 60th Birthday Party, #SoulMen60 featuring The Blues Brothers https://www.facebook.com/pg/pccncalgary/photos/?tab=album&album_id=1735815863111515 May 14 |
17) | Dark Side Racing display at Didsbury Car Show https://www.facebook.com/kelly.fedorowich.9/posts/10154673039151139 May 14 |
16) | CTV News Darrel Janz features Kelly as this weeks Inspired Albertan http://calgary.ctvnews.ca/racing-team-raises-funds-for-calgary-cancer-support-group-1.3407287http://calgary.ctvnews.ca/racing-team-raises-funds-for-calgary-cancer-su... May 10 |
15) | Kelly's invited to participate in Calgary Harley-Davidson's Motorcycle School https://www.facebook.com/pg/darkside.ca/photos/?tab=album&album_id=1272678066113966 May 6 & 7 |
14) | Featured on Global News Calgary and Edmonton - Saturday evening news May 6 |
13) | Fire Up at Blackjacks Road House https://www.facebook.com/fedorowich/videos/10209276635328810/ May 6 |
12) | In the Air Tonight promo video by Doug Nichol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hoZNmHD3GJU&feature=share April 13 |
11) | Dark Side Racing promo video "We're gonna be there" re: Field of Dreams Charity Tournament https://youtu.be/TuP-Mzie7kM April 11 |
10) | Empower Media interviews Kelly at McMahon Stadium Press Conference re: Dark Side Racing Fire Up display at the Field of Dreams Charity Tournament 6:00 minute mark https://www.facebook.com/EmpowerMediaTV/videos/1315717381852593/ April 5 |
9) | CBC News Calgary tonight at 6pm ( and repeat at 11 pm) 6:00 Link(18:25 mark) - 6:00 Link(22:3 mark) March 31 |
8) | Metro Canada (across Canada) March 29, |
7) | Metro Canada (Calgary) (Autumn Fox) Front page of Monday's Metro News https://www.pressreader.com/@Kelly_Fedorowich/7EPIDQQ17CI March 29, |
6) | Sam Auxier Jr Show, "Cars and Stars" Sam and Kelly Will be talking about her mission to become the Fastest Woman in Canada March 29, |
5) | Horse Power & Heels Article - Kelly Fedorowich and Dark Side Racing http://horsepowerandheels.com/kelly-fedorowich-plans-return-seat/ March 24 |
4) | W. Brett Wilson -- Shout out A big shout out to the wonderful Kelly Tabacki Fedorowich who is on a mission to become the Fastest Woman in Canada! |
3) | Calgary Harley-Davidson Full Throttle VIP Event The first annual Full Throttle VIP Event was a huge success. Congratulations to Rich Baer Todd Frisco Phillips and the whole crew at Calgary Harley-Davidson for creating an extraordinary experience for your guests. Bravo! March 13 |
2) | 51th Annual World of Wheels - Special Guest Appearance Quinn Smith, defensive tackle with the Calgary Stampeders. Prostate Cancer Canada Network Calgary launches their 2016 Prostate Cancer Awareness Campaign. February 24-26 |
1) | Monthly updates of our interactions in PROSTAID Calgary's Digital Examiner Newsletter |